Warehouse analysis and reorganization
In order to improve internal handling processes, the AKK Altonaer Children’s Hospital gGmbH commissioned GREAN to reorganise its logistics area. This department is responsible for supplying the hospital with medical consumables and other supplies.
We could rely on GREAN at all times during the joint project. The company has safely accompanied us from the conception to the implementation and always convinced us. GREAN stands for excellent work.
Together with the client, the first phase of the project was to analyse the warehouse stocks and to evaluate and optimise them with regard to various parameters, such as range, number of suppliers, call-off frequency, etc. A major result was the reduction of complexity by lowering the number of articles. This was achieved, among other things, by outsourcing individual product groups. In addition, stock levels and ranges of coverage were redefined and proposals for improved internal and external warehouse connections were developed. In a second project phase, proposals for the reorganization of the warehouse layout were developed and accompanied into the constructional implementation. A major focus here was on improving internal processes by means of an optimized layout as well as improving visual transparency in the context of the specific warehouse design.
In detail, the following services were provided:
Recording the ACTUAL situation
Analysis of the stock data
Derivation of inventory and process potentials as well as transfer into recommendations for action
Dimensioning of stocked articles
Development of a concept for the future organisation of the storage area
Creation of a warehouse layout
Selection of the storage technology
Implementation planning and support
AKK Altonaer Kinderkrankenhaus gGmbH
Time period
04/2015 to 12/2015
Description of tasks
Warehouse analysis and reorganization
Planning object
Logistical analysis of the internal logistics and storage area with the aim of optimizing processes and material flows