Whether new construction on a greenfield site or expansion of existing buildings – we offer you expert advice and comprehensive planning services for a well thought-out factory. With our excellent and latest knowledge of methods and many years of planning experience, we develop a future-proof and versatile factory layout with you.
Your material flows are too long?
Your structures have grown and fissured?
Your factory has grown over the years on the factory site?
Through our sound planning procedure, we streamline your processes in production and logistics and thus maximize the profitability of your factory. In addition to master and factory structure planning for an entire site, we will also be happy to assist you in the replanning or reorganization of your factory. On request, we can also support you in the context of implementation planning and monitoring and oversee the ramp-up.
To ensure that all ideas offer concrete added value beyond the day, we coordinate with partner companies right from the start, for example for architectural and building planning and the planning of technical building equipment. All activities are supported by a reliable and professional project management. In addition, we offer individual qualification measures for your employees.
In a plant structure planning, we work with you to determine the optimal arrangement of all functional factory units (such as goods receipt, warehouse, production, administration) on your new or existing factory premises. To create the best possible logistical conditions, we examine both the current requirements of your functional units (such as space requirements, growth potential or infrastructure requirements) and future challenges. In doing so, we attach great importance to a high degree of flexibility and modularity of your plant development in order to make your production future-proof. In doing so, we are always at your side as a sparring partner with new impulses and innovative ideas.
Your benefits at a glance:
New production technologies as well as capacity expansions are frequent triggers for factory redesign or extension. At the same time, a new planned factory can lead to sudden increases in performance (e.g. in lead times, delivery reliability, quality or productivity). Together with you, we develop concrete, strategic targets for your factory planning project and, with the help of a well-founded factory analysis, we collect all necessary planning data. Based on this, we work with you to design the optimal factory, which is tailored exactly to your needs. We take on a coordinating role in the implementation of these plans, thus ensuring smooth relocation and efficient ramp-up without loss of production.
Your benefits at a glance:
If your production process does not have the productivity and profitability you require, you have come to the right place. Because we help you to uncover optimization potentials in production and to implement them by reorganizing your processes. By systematically analysing your value flows, production processes and material flows, we check the logistical structures of your factory. We identify the strengths and weaknesses of your plant, production or warehouse layout. In order to overcome waste, bottlenecks or overloads, we develop reorganisation approaches with you for an efficient, flexible and sustainable material flow as the heartbeat of your new production.
Your benefits at a glance:
Even the best planning does not provide any added value if it is not professionally implemented. That’s why we are happy to accompany you in the realisation of your own or jointly developed plans with our practice-proven project management. We will take over the representation of the client for you and, as a coordinating staff unit, we will be available to all project partners as contact persons. In doing so, we ensure smooth communication with all responsible parties. We make sure that all technical as well as deadline and budget-oriented requirements of your project are met until its completion.
Your benefits at a glance:
We support you with an independent and neutral review of your project plans. To this end, we examine your concepts for the factory, the planned building structure, your layouts or processes and systematically evaluate their completeness and feasibility. Through a well-founded analysis of these planning bases, we determine in various workshops whether the project can be carried out as originally planned. With our expert knowledge we thus reduce your risk when making an investment decision.
Your benefits at a glance:
To give you an accurate visual overview of your production processes, we can visualize your current or planned production processes in three dimensions. After a detailed recording of all material flows, transport routes and facilities in your factory, we develop a virtual image of your production in which we can visualize your material flows. This gives you the opportunity to virtually walk through and present your production environment. The three-dimensional representation often leads directly to optimization potentials, which we would like to explore with you in more detail.
Your benefits at a glance:
Didn’t find the right one? We would be happy to develop individual service packages for you according to your wishes and requirements.
Feel free to contact us: We look forward to your ideas.
Whether a strategic reorientation of your company or an adjustment to changes in the market causes you to replan your factory – we are happy to assist you in the implementation of a variety of performance-oriented corporate goals:
Increased productivity through lean production processes
Savings through optimal use of space and space utilisation
Analysis and optimization of the value and material flow
Versatility through high modularity and flexibility
Employee qualification for a low-waste process design
The linchpin of our approach to factory planning is our tried and tested, methodical approach. In doing so, we follow common guidelines (such as the VDI guideline 5200) and adapt them to your specific needs. No matter which of our service offerings you are interested in, with our 5-phase model we support you from the development of the first concepts to their realization.
In the following we will show you step by step how we plan your factory – from the initial idea to the final layout.
The starting point is the development of a precise vision of the future of your company and your factory, which enables us to tailor the planning of your production to your goals. At the end of the second phase, a well-founded basic assessment of the current situation results in a detailed strengths-weaknesses profile of your current production. In the subsequent concept development phase, we work with you to create various concepts for the basic layout of the factory, for possible logistical structures and for layout variants. We proceed from “coarse to fine” by developing ideal layout variants on the basis of a structure design and only then adapting them to the real restrictions. Through the final evaluation of the fit, feasibility and investment volume, we find the optimal layout planning for your factory. The following phase of detailed planning includes the fine planning of all functional areas at the equipment level as well as the monitoring of project tenders. After completion of the planning, we will also be happy to represent the client and coordinate the precise implementation of your factory planning.
Use these phases like a kind of checklist for factory planning – to arrive at an optimal factory layout. In the following, we will introduce you in detail to the methods and procedures we use for factory planning.
The cornerstone of any factory planning process is the precise definition of objectives. On the basis of a joint analysis of the corporate goals, we develop a future vision of your company together with you, from which we can derive tailor-made goals for factory and project planning. In order to be able to measure compliance with these goals, we determine concrete evaluation criteria and divide the project into corresponding work packages. This procedure enables us to optimally tailor the individual planning stages to your requirements and to achieve maximum productivity and efficiency.
In order to guarantee the future viability and fit of the new factory for today’s and future requirements, we weigh the overriding corporate objectives in the first step. Together with you, we define the vision and future orientation of your factory in a workshop. In doing so, we question the following goals, among others, in order to get to know your “DNS” and lay a foundation for profitable growth in the coming years:
From the definition of the strategic corporate goals and their prioritization, a concrete vision emerges, which serves us as a red thread in the further course and which we will pull together with you.
In the next step, we derive requirements for the future factory and the planning project itself on the basis of the priorities set. This involves formulating concrete sub-goals for each of the selected target categories, the implementation of which implicitly realizes the corporate vision. Thanks to our many years of experience in the implementation of factory planning, we can offer you a comprehensive collection of best practices and application examples, from which we can work with you to tailor the most suitable solutions to your target categories. For example, the goal of high logistics performance can be achieved by converting from a push to a pull system or various ideas of lean production.
One of our most important guiding principles in each of our factory planning projects is to achieve a very high degree of target fulfilment. In order to be able to measure this concretely at the end of the project, we develop measurable evaluation criteria in the following step. For each formulated sub-goal and each defined requirement, we therefore generate key figures or criteria that enable us to continuously monitor the exact progress of these points. With the help of an individually created key performance indicator board, we are able to observe the development of the implementation of objectives already during the entire course of the project. This enables us to react immediately to deviations and nip any unpleasant surprises in the bud.
Finally, we pack the agreed factory and project (sub)goals into concrete work packages. In close consultation with you, we develop a well-founded milestone plan in which the key points of the project course are defined. Through the exact fixing of deadlines and responsibilities as well as the associated involvement of various employees, we determine the plan for the further course of the project together with you.
An optimal knowledge of the existing condition of your factory and processes is the decisive foundation for us to plan an effective optimization and improvement of current problems. Therefore we carry out an intensive inventory together with you. By analysing and visualising current material and information flows, we can make weak points and wastage transparent and directly avoid them when replanning. At the end of the basic evaluation, you will receive a well-founded strength-weakness profile of your factory, which, together with newly developed target value flows, will provide a valid planning basis.
In concrete terms, we usually include information from the following categories:
In the information evaluation phase we carry out a potential analysis and examine the collected data for bottlenecks and inefficiencies in your material flow. We do not stop at a purely data-oriented evaluation, but rather examine your production processes and material flows on site on the shop floor in personal discussions with the employees. A visualisation of the material and information flows in the production layout (e.g. by means of Sankey or spaghetti diagrams) enables us to identify improvement potentials quickly and in a structured way. In this step, we attach particular importance to the detection of waste, which represents a loss and includes all those activities that do not serve the immediate process objective and thus do not add value:
From the collected data, we calculate the current material flow lengths, process and storage stages and area productivity in order to optimize these in further planning. In addition, we forecast your future production quantities and determine the corresponding required production capacities. On this basis, we work together with you to develop future logistics and production concepts as well as the target value flows that form the basis of further factory planning.
Based on the strategic objective and our basic analysis as well as the resulting target value streams, we develop an optimal structure for your future factory together with you. In this structure, superordinate processes, structures and systems in the factory are defined and linked to the organizational structure. After the dimensioning of the area modules of all production and ancillary areas, a functional diagram of the planned factory is created to the scale of the area. On this basis, we derive an ideal-layout that represents the optimal logistics and production processes as a benchmark. Only in the following step do we adapt this scenario to the technical and spatial restrictions of the buildings and plots of land and create corresponding real-layout variants that best represent the approaches of the ideal layout. By means of a three-dimensional visualization of the production flows, we evaluate and validate the various layout proposals. In the final selection process, we use our many years of experience to assess the investment volume, technical feasibility and alignment in terms of the defined long-term corporate goals. This procedure ensures maximum productivity, optimum added value and sustainability of your new factory.
In the first step of concept planning, we work with you to define the higher-level structure and arrangement concept in a structure design. This involves designing processes, structures and systems of the factory as a whole and as the basis for a new layout. To do this, we first take a look at both the current organizational and operational structure. In addition, we develop planning variants with different structuring principles (e.g. shop-floor production, island production, line production or as a mixed form of logistical segmentation). On the basis of our many years of experience, we make a recommendation for a preferred variant.
In the course of dimensioning, the general space requirements of resources such as individual plants, entire functional areas or buildings are determined. The general space requirements of a resource result from the measured production resource area (for example, of machines or work tables) and the rectangular extension by the areas for operation, maintenance and repair as well as all necessary additional equipment. From all measured means of production as well as potential new acquisitions we form self-sufficient modules on the basis of the recorded areas. The exact workplace design within a module, on the other hand, is only determined in the detailed planning stage. Taking ancillary, storage, transport and other areas into account, we combine the individual modules in a module grid of the factory and thus obtain information about the required net and gross production areas of your new factory. We finally combine the area dimensioning determined in this way with the material flow analysis and the structural design prepared in advance and create a functional diagram of the planned factory to scale.
We use the following methods for layout planning. With the focus on the optimal functionality in terms of material flows, we develop an ideal layout based on the functional schema. This can be done at production level as well as at plant level in order to optimally arrange different functional areas (production, supply and logistics, storage areas, and so on). The focus is on efficient and lean production and transport processes based on the principle of lean manufacturing. Various discussion variants result from different basic forms of material flow (e.g. U-shape, L-shape, closed form, etc.). Here we strive for an optimal, functional arrangement of the modules without regard to their supposed or actual feasibility. The ideal layout is only adapted to the restrictions of buildings, land and technical equipment in the following step. In this way, we define a benchmark with the ideal layout, against which all later real layout variants must measure themselves. We see the ideal layout as the heart of the new factory, which strives for optimal added value.
In the last step of concept planning, a real layout in different variants is derived from the ideal layout, taking into account all organizational, spatial and technical restrictions. We are committed to the goal of adopting as many solution approaches as possible from the ideal structure. Based on the boundary conditions of buildings (e.g. support grids) and logistics (e.g. existing transport containers), the functional areas of the factory are structured and assigned modules according to defined criteria. When designing the factory layouts, we use software-based optimisation procedures and can simulate the various scenarios that arise in digital models and visualise them in three dimensions. Using these images of the possible new factory layouts and their material flows, we can work with you to evaluate individual scenarios optimally and clearly and achieve a high level of planning reliability – your planning risk is reduced. When selecting the layout variant to be implemented, we prepare a utility value analysis, which enables us to evaluate the individual options based on weighted target criteria. Based on our many years of experience and technical know-how, we evaluate, among other things, the investment volume and technical feasibility. In addition, the preferred option is selected on the basis of previously formulated corporate objectives (e.g. with regard to modularity, communication channels or short material flows). Finally, we record our planning results and recommendations for the future factory structure in a factory concept. The structures, arrangements, investment budgets and planning milestones as well as opportunities and risks contained therein serve as the basis for the subsequent detailed planning.
During the detailed planning phase, all functional areas of the new layout are designed at equipment level. With the help of lean methods, we use detailed planning to create detailed arrangement plans for your plants and the optimal design of all logistics and transport, but also information paths. We collect all concrete elaborations of the new factory layout in an implementation concept, which includes specific action, resource and workflow plans. On this basis, we offer you assistance in the preparation of permit applications and service descriptions for the selection of service providers and suppliers.
In the detailed planning phase, we design the selected real layouts in detail at equipment level. For each functional area, we plan an optimal arrangement of individual workstation groups and production modules. On the basis of lean methods, we then adapt the detailed logistics, transport and information paths as well as the workflows in production to the value stream. Our detailed planning also includes the detailed arrangement of each of your machines and systems as well as workstation elements and the corresponding equipment with technology and equipment. Further services in the course of our detailed planning are:
At the end of the detailed planning phase, we draw up a detailed implementation concept that includes a concrete plan of measures, resources and procedures.
After the exact preparation of the detailed planning, we also help you in the further planning implementation. In concrete terms, this includes the preparation of permit applications in order to have the realization of the planned factory verified by official authorities. With our many years of experience, we are the ideal partner to guide you through the jungle of authorities.
After completion of the entire planning, we support you in the tendering process for your project. In a detailed specification sheet we define all technical requirements as well as time and cost relevant restrictions on the tasks of the possible service providers and suppliers. Our technical advice guarantees a clear communication of the project goals and thus ensures an optimal implementation of the layout plan, so that in the end you get the factory we have planned with you.
In the course of a professional realization management we provide the representation of the client for the coordination of all project participants in the implementation. We are at your side from the selection of service providers (e.g. for the physical move to the new factory), to ensuring smooth communication between all parties and stakeholders, to checking that all deadlines, quality and budget requirements are met. Finally, we also accompany the ramp-up phase of your new factory and support you in the process stabilization and qualification of your employees.
After the successful completion of the planning phase of the new factory, we also support you in the implementation of the developed plans. In order to achieve a successful implementation of the new layout, a large number of both internal and external project partners such as planners, evaluators, construction companies and authorities are required to work together. In order to find the right partners at this important point, we offer you expert advice by means of well-founded proposals for the award of contracts and bid evaluation already during the selection of service providers and suppliers. Furthermore, before the actual start of the realisation we prepare a requirements specification sheet with all detailed realisation requirements.
The construction or expansion of a factory during ongoing production often feels like open heart surgery. Therefore, we offer you to take over the representation of the client during the entire realisation phase, leaving you free to concentrate on your daily business. The focus of our professional project management is on the coordination and control of all participants and tasks of the project. First and foremost, we ensure smooth communication of the exact planning plans to all project partners in order to avoid negative surprises right from the start. We also represent you as the coordinating management of the entire partner network during the further course of the project in order to directly agree on possible change requests. For this purpose, we take over the organisation and implementation of coordination rounds of the project participants as well as the exact coordination of dates and interfaces with other projects. Our main focus is on monitoring and ensuring that all deadlines, quality and budget requirements are met. By actively counteracting the risk of exceeding these targets, we can ensure that your factory is completed on schedule.
We also assist you during the final ramp-up of your new factory and the stabilization of your new processes. With our well-founded expertise in the field of process optimization, we help you, for example, to introduce lean processes or continuous improvement methods and shop floor management. With the help of various interactive workshops, we also introduce all relevant employees to the new processes and provide them with the appropriate qualifications. After a final accompaniment of system tests and acceptance of processes, it only remains for us to congratulate you on the successful commissioning of the new factory.
New construction on a greenfield site or expansion of existing buildings - we offer you comprehensive advice and sophisticated planning services for a well conceived factory. For us, this includes basic master and factory structure planning as well as support for your project right through to implementation. Whether new or reorganisation planning - we are experts in factory planning.
In many factories, high inventories, long travel, search or lead times are a major cost factor, which at the same time massively reduces production efficiency. This is what we do: Our customers benefit from well-founded, systematic and analytical consulting. In this way, we work with you to increase the efficiency of your production.
High and ever increasing material and energy costs are becoming an efficiency problem in many factories. We systematically investigate where potential is lying dormant and then identify meaningful and economical measures for improvement. In this way we increase the material and energy efficiency in your factory - and at the same time reduce your energy bill.
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